Playback Controls Mark Levinson
Playback ModesThe media player offers a range of playback modes that can be used to
control the playback of a loaded disc. The following table indicates the
playback modes available for each disc format. However, these modes
might not be available for all discs within each format.
* Automatic bookmarks can not be set for CDs; only manual bookmarks, using the
mark and recall buttons can be set.
** If playlist is active, only Playlist will be available for Random, and only Playlist and
Repeat Track will be available for Repeat.
Play The front panel or remote control play button is used to start playback of
the loaded disc at regular playback speed.
Some discs automatically start playback when switching titles, chapters,
or tracks, even if a different playback mode (i.e. random playback) was
activated before the switch.
To be gin p layb ack :
Press the play () button. In some cases, the remote control number buttons
can also be used to activate playback of a specific title, chapter, or track.
Playback Mode DVD-V Audio CD (DTS CD)
Play Available Available
Pause Available Available
Stop Available Available
Resume Available Not available
Slow Search (slow fwd/rev) Available Not available
Fast Search (fwd/rev) Available Available
8s prev Available Available
Skip Available Available
Frame-by-frame Available Not available
Search Title, Chapter, Time Track, Time
Random** Not available Track, Playlist **
Repeat** Title, Chapter Disc, Track, Playlist **
A-B Repeat Available Available
Playlist Not available Track
Bookmark* Available Av ailable*
Info Available Available