MB450H, MB4210 & MB4410 Front Panel Features
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MB60 & MB150 Front Panel Features
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1.JackINPUTinput forJackyourSocketbass guitar. Use a good quality guitar cable (i.e. one that’s screened/shielded) to help prevent noise, interference and unwanted feedback.
2.ThisACTIVEpush switch/ PASSIVEallows youSwitchto change between Active and Passive instruments. The gain is reduced 6dB when in ‘Active’ position.
MODERNThe Modern channelCHANNELhits those super crystal clean notes when clarity is a must.
3.ThisVOLUMEcontrol adjustsControlthe volume- Modernof theChannelModern Channel.
4.TurningBASStheControlBass control will affect the amount of low frequencies or bottom end in your bass guitar tone. Rotating this clockwise will increase the amount of lower tones generally making your bass sound deeper. Turning this control
5.ConstitutesMID FREQUENCYa
with the Middle control. It adjusts the centre frequency where the Middle control takes affect.
6The. MIDDLEmiddle frequenciesControl tend to effect the fatness or body of the tone. The frequency of the middle band is adjusted by means of the Mid Freq control.
Usually this control will be used to remove mids rather than increase them making the bass sound rounder and fuller. Increasing the mids usually makes the bass sound ‘boxy’.
7By. TREBLEadjusting theControlTreble control you can add or take away the higher frequencies in your bass tone. By increasing the amount of treble you will make your tone brighter, ideal for more percussive playing styles.
8This. COMPRESSORswitch turns the CompressorSwitch &controlLED on and off. When the switch is ‘in’ the Compressor control is active and the LED will be illuminated green.
9The. COMPRESSORCompressor smoothesControlout your bass sound. As you increase the amount of compression, so you flatten out the peaks in the incoming signal. When the compression reaches its threshold the LED will change to red.
10.ThisMODERNpush switch /allowsCLASSICyou to changeSwitchbetween the amp’s two channels, Modern and Classic, via the front panel. When this switch is ‘out’ the Modern Channel is engaged and the LED is green. Pushing it ‘in’ switches to the Classic Channel and the LED changes to red.
CLASSICThe Classic channelCHANNELpresents gain worthy of the greatest rock bass player and heavy tone that is expected from a Marshall amp.
11.ThisGAINcontrol Controlsets the operating level of
12.The BOOSTBoost switchSwitchincreases the gain of the classic channel. When the switch is engaged the whole channel gain is raised making it much easier to get an overdriven sound.
13.ThisVOLUMEcontrol adjustsContrthe volume- Classicof the ClassicChannel
14.TurningBASSthe BassContrcontrol will affect the amount of low frequencies or bottom end in your bass guitar tone. Rotating this clockwise will increase the amount of lower tones generally making your bass sound deeper. Turning this control
15.ThisVOICE3 positionSHIFTcontrolControladjusts the overall tonal voicing of the amplifier.
Position 1 tailors the response of the amplifier for smooth low end, restrained lower mids, and mild high end lift, to give the classic vintage valve bass tone.
In position 2 the lower mid is made more prominent whilst simultaneously the upper mids are subtly scooped to give a more aggressive, growling quality to the amplifier's tone.
Position 3 introduces a gentle overall mid boost for an immediate, cutting, ‘in your face’ tone with the mids scooped even further to give an immediate, cutting sound.
16.ThisVOICEcontrol adjustsControlthe response selected by the Voice Shift control.