On-Screen Menu (continued)
False Colors
The V-LCD70P-HDA has a false color filter to aid the in setting camera exposure. As the cam era Iris is adjusted,
elements of the image will change color based on the luminance or brightness values. This ena bles proper exposure to
be achieved without the use of costly, complicated external equipment. To best utili ze this feature, you must
understand the color chart below and have a basic understanding of camera exposure. Norm ally, when shooting
subjects like people, it is common practice to set exposure of faces to the equivalent of approximately 56 IRE. The
false color filter will show this area as the color PINK on the monitor. Therefore, as you increase exposure (open the
IRIS), your subject will change color as indicated on the chart: PINK, then GREY, then a f ew shades of YELLOW. Over
exposed subjects (above 101 IRE) on the monitor will be shown as RED. In addition, underexpos ed subjects will show
as DEEP-BLUE to DARK –BLUE, with clipped-blacks indicated with a FUCHSIA-like color . Lastly, the color GREEN is
used to indicate elements of the image that are approximately 45 IRE. This represents a ‘neutral’ or ‘mid-level’
exposure commonly used for objects (not people).
False Color Key