Color Temperature D93, D65, D55, User
RGB Bias and Gain R, G, B Bias (0-100) / R, G, B Gain (0-100)
Check Field Off, Mono, Blue, Green, Red
Ratio Full Screen, 4:3, 16:9
Pixel-to-Pixel Off, On
H/V Delay Off, H & V Delay, V Delay, H Delay
Underscan Off, On
Video Configuration
NTSC Black Level 0 IRE, 7.5 IRE
Markers Off, On
Center Marker Off, On
16:9 Markers
Off, 4:3, 13:9, 14:9, 1.85:1, 2.35:1, 95% Safe,
93% Safe, 90%Safe, 88% Safe, 85% Safe, 80%
Full Screen Markers
Off, 4:3, 13:9, 14:9, 1.85:1, 2.35:1, 95% Safe,
93% Safe, 90%Safe, 88% Safe, 85% Safe, 80%
4:3 Markers Off, 95% Safe, 93% Safe, 90% Safe, 88% Safe,
85% Safe, 80% Safe
Marker Configuration
Marker Background Normal, Black
False Colors Off, On
Peaking Filter Off, On
Filter Configuration
Mosquito Filter Off, On
Input Format OSD 5 sec, Off, On
Function on F1
Ratio, Check Field, Mosquito Filter, Peaking
Filter, False Colors, Freeze Input, Aspect Markers,
Center Marker, Markers, Underscan, H/V Delay,
Function on F2
Ratio, Check Field, Mosquito Filter, Peaking
Filter, False Colors, Freeze Input, Aspect Markers,
Center Marker, Markers, Underscan, H/V Delay,
Function on F3
Ratio, Check Field, Mosquito Filter, Peaking
Filter, False Colors, Freeze Input, Aspect Markers,
Center Marker, Markers, Underscan, H/V Delay,
Function on F4
Ratio, Check Field, Mosquito Filter, Peaking
Filter, False Colors, Freeze Input, Aspect Markers,
Center Marker, Markers, Underscan, H/V Delay,
Freeze Input Freeze, Unfreeze
Manufacturer Default Select
Main Menu
System Configuration
Version Number Display (Software Version Number Displayed)
Access the main menu by pushing and holding the MENU button on the front panel of the m onitor.
• Step through menu items using the and buttons.
• Choose a submenu or select a menu item by pressing SELECT.
• Return to the previous menu by pressing MENU.
• Exit the main menu by pressing MENU. The menu will automatically
time out after about 15 seconds.
Main Menu