Melissa 258-015 manual Obs¸Uga, Wymiana ˚ARÓWKI

Models: 258-015

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JeÊli zamiast zasuwy wylotowej sà u˝ywane filtry z w´glem aktywnym, nale˝y je zamocowaç po bokach silnika:

Zdejmij panel z filtrami (6), naciskajàc przycisk blokady

(5) umieszczony na spodzie panelu, i wyciàgnij go. Przymocuj filtry z w´glem po obu stronach silnika.

Nie nale˝y montowaç w´˝a elastycznego, jeÊli majà byç u˝ywane filtry z w´glem.

Wysuƒ górnà cz´Êç komina i przymocuj do wspornika za pomocà dwóch ma∏ych Êrub. Zdejmij foli´ ochronnà.

Zamontuj cztery plastikowe podk∏adki pod otworami w szklanej p∏ycie (3), ostro˝nie umieÊç szklanà p∏yt´ na urzàdzeniu tak, aby podk∏adki by∏y skierowane w dó∏. Ustaw p∏yt´ tak, aby otwory w p∏ycie znajdowa∏y si´ w tym samym miejscu co otwory w górnej cz´Êci urzàdzenia. Przykr´ç p∏yt´ do urzàdzenia za pomocà 4 Êrub z gumowymi podk∏adkami. Nie dokr´caj Êrub zbyt mocno!

Wskazówka! Je˝eli gumowe podk∏adki przesunà si´, przed przykr´ceniem Êrub umieÊç je z powrotem we w∏aÊciwej pozycji za pomocà Êrubokr´ta.


NaciÊnij w∏àcznik lampki (a), aby w∏àczyç lub wy∏àczyç lampki (7) znajdujàce si´ na spodzie okapu.

NaciÊnij jeden z trzech regulatorów si∏y ssania (b, c lub d), aby w∏àczyç okap przy ˝àdanym ustawieniu mocy:

b = du˝a moc,

c = Êrednia moc,

d = niska moc.

Aby wy∏àczyç urzàdzenie, naciÊnij wy∏àcznik (e).

JeÊli dwa regulatory si∏y ssania zostanà przypadkowo w∏àczone jednoczeÊnie, urzàdzenie rozpocznie prac´ przy wy˝szym ustawieniu.


Wy∏àcz urzàdzenie.

Zdejmij panel z filtrami, naciskajàc przycisk blokady, obni˝ panel i wyciàgnij go.

Ostro˝nie w∏ó˝ Êrubokr´t pod kraw´dê obudowy lampki i podwa˝ obudow´ tak, aby odesz∏a od spodu okapu. Od∏àcz lampk´ od okapu, naciskajàc ko∏ek z jednej strony bia∏ego zacisku, a nast´pnie od∏àczajàc zacisk.

Poluzuj 4 Êruby w tylnej p∏ytce lampki, od∏àcz p∏ytk´ i lampk´. Nie upuÊç soczewek lampki!

Wyjmij ˝arówk´ halogenowà.

• Uwaga! ˚arówki lampek mogà si´ mocno nagrzaç podczas u˝ywania.

• Nigdy nie dotykaj ˝arówek palcami. Zawsze u˝ywaj szmatki, aby pot lub brud nie skróci∏y ˝ywotnoÊci ˝arówki.

W∏ó˝ nowà ˝arówk´ halogenowà. Zmontuj i za∏ó˝ obudow´ lampki w odwrotnej kolejnoÊci.


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Melissa 258-015 manual Obs¸Uga, Wymiana ˚ARÓWKI

258-015 specifications

Melissa 258-015 is a cutting-edge innovation in the realm of automation and artificial intelligence, specifically designed to enhance productivity in various sectors. This advanced system stands out due to its robust features, superior technologies, and remarkable characteristics that cater to the ever-evolving demands of modern industries.

One of the defining features of Melissa 258-015 is its versatility. It can seamlessly integrate with existing infrastructures, making it a valuable asset for businesses looking to optimize their operations without undergoing a complete overhaul. This adaptability is facilitated by its modular design, which allows for customization tailored to specific industry needs.

At the core of Melissa 258-015 is a powerful AI-driven engine. This engine harnesses machine learning algorithms to continuously improve its performance based on real-time data analysis. This capability not only enhances the efficiency of processes but also enables predictive analytics, allowing businesses to anticipate potential challenges and adapt proactively.

Another standout characteristic is its intuitive user interface. The system is designed with user experience in mind, ensuring that even those with minimal technical expertise can navigate it effortlessly. This reduces the learning curve associated with implementing new technologies and fosters a smooth transition for teams.

Melissa 258-015 also prides itself on its advanced connectivity features. With built-in IoT compatibility, it can communicate with other devices and systems seamlessly, creating an integrated ecosystem that enhances overall functionality. This connectivity empowers users to monitor processes remotely, facilitating quick decision-making and effective problem-solving.

Security is a top priority for Melissa 258-015. The system employs state-of-the-art encryption protocols to safeguard sensitive data, ensuring that user information and business operations remain protected from cyber threats. This commitment to security builds trust among users and encourages broader adoption of the technology.

Moreover, Melissa 258-015 is designed with sustainability in mind. Its energy-efficient operation minimizes resource consumption, making it an eco-friendly choice for businesses seeking to reduce their carbon footprint.

In summary, Melissa 258-015 is an innovative solution that combines versatility, advanced technology, intuitive usability, robust connectivity, top-notch security, and eco-friendliness. These features make it an invaluable tool for businesses aiming to enhance their operational efficiency and stay competitive in an increasingly digital world. With its impressive characteristics, Melissa 258-015 is set to redefine automation and artificial intelligence applications across various sectors.