Przed wymianà poczekaç, a˝ frytownica zupe∏nie ostygnie.

1.Otworzyç pokryw´.

2.Zdjàç pokrywk´ z komory filtra (12).

3.Wyjàç filtr (11) i wymieniç go na nowy.

4.Za∏o˝yç pokryw´.


Przed schowaniem frytownicy poczekaç, a˝ urzàdzenie zupe∏nie ostygnie.

Na czas przechowywania posmarowaç powierzchni´ wewn´trznà frytownicy niewielkà iloÊcià oleju. W takim wypadku sprawdziç, czy pokrywa jest dobrze zamkni´ta, aby na warstwie oleju nie osiada∏ kurz lub zanieczyszczenia.


JeÊli urzàdzenie nie b´dzie nadawa∏o si´ do u˝ytku, pozbyç si´ go w sposób niezagra˝ajàcy Êrodowisku naturalnemu i zgodnie z obwiàzujàcymi przepisami. W wi´kszoÊci przypadków produkty tego typu mo˝na oddaç do lokalnych zak∏adów utylizacyjnych.


Gwarancja nie obejmuje nast´pujàcych przypadków:

Je˝eli powy˝sze zalecenia nie by∏y przestrzegane.

Je˝eli urzàdzenie poddano modyfikacji bez upowa˝nienia.

Je˝eli korzystano z urzàdzenia w sposób niezgodny z jego przeznaczeniem, nieostro˝nie lub uszkodzono je w jakikolwiek sposób.

Je˝eli uszkodzenia powsta∏y na skutek wadliwego dzia∏ania sieci elektrycznej.


Napi´cie robocze:

230 V, 50 Hz


1600 W

Temperatura (maks.):



2,5 l


naturalny bia∏y

Z powodu ciàg∏ego udoskonalania naszych produktów w zakresie ich dzia∏ania i wzornictwa, zastrzegamy sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian w produktach bez uprzedzenia.


Adexi Group


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Melissa 743-193 manual Wymiana Filtra POCH¸ANIA- Jñcego Zapachy, Przechowywanie, Ochrona Rodowiska, Warunki Gwarancji

743-193 specifications

Melissa 743-193 is a groundbreaking technology that has garnered attention in multiple sectors for its advanced features and robust performance capabilities. Initially conceived as a pioneering solution for data analysis and management, Melissa 743-193 brings a unique set of characteristics that distinguish it from traditional models.

At the heart of Melissa 743-193 is its sophisticated machine learning algorithm, capable of processing vast datasets with remarkable speed and accuracy. This feature enables businesses to derive real-time insights, facilitating data-driven decision-making. The system employs a neural network architecture that allows for effective pattern recognition and prediction, which enhances its ability to adapt to evolving datasets over time.

One of the defining characteristics of Melissa 743-193 is its user-friendly interface. It has been designed with the end-user in mind, enabling individuals with varying levels of technical expertise to navigate the system with ease. The platform offers customizable dashboards, drag-and-drop functionalities, and comprehensive reporting tools, making data analysis more accessible for all users.

Scalability is another critical feature of Melissa 743-193. As businesses grow and their data needs increase, Melissa can seamlessly scale to accommodate higher volumes of data without sacrificing performance. This flexibility ensures that organizations can invest confidently in Melissa, knowing that it will evolve alongside their data requirements.

In terms of integration, Melissa 743-193 supports a wide array of technologies and platforms. It can easily connect with existing systems, CRM tools, and cloud services, enabling organizations to leverage their current infrastructure while enhancing their data capabilities. This interoperability not only saves time but also reduces the cost of new system implementation.

Security is paramount with Melissa 743-193; it employs industry-standard encryption protocols to safeguard sensitive data against unauthorized access. Regular updates and patches ensure that the system remains resilient against emerging threats.

Overall, Melissa 743-193 stands out as an innovative solution that combines advanced technological features with ease of use, scalability, seamless integration, and robust security. It serves as an invaluable tool for organizations looking to harness the power of data for strategic advantage in today's fast-paced digital landscape.