
2.Kontrol lampe

3.Indstilling af varmefordeling


5.Glas dør



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2.Øvre varmeelement er aktivt

3.Nedre varmeelement er aktivt

4.Både øvre og nedre varmeelement er aktive.


-Varmeelementerne er blevet smurt ind i olie ved fabrikationen og vil derfor afgive en smule røg i starten. Det er ganske ufarligt og vil ophøre efter få minutter.

Åben ovndøren, sæt temperaturen til 250°C og lad ovnen være tændt i 15 minutter.

-Sørg for at ovnen er helt tør før brug.

-Det er vigtigt at sørge for tilstrækkelig ventilation.

-Bør ikke opstilles på en ubehandlet træoverflade. Placér ovnen på en varmebestandig overflade.

-Vær opmærksom på at ovnens fødder eventuelt kan afgive en smule farve, hvis dette er tilfældet kan farven med fordel fjernes med en fugtig klud tilsat lidt husholdningssprit. Almindelig rengøringsmiddel kan også bruges. Vær opmærksom på at ubehandlede træoverflader ikke kan tåle sprit.


-Vælg den ønskede varmefordeling

-Drej temperatur vælgeren med uret og vælg den ønskede ovntemperatur.

-Kontrollampen vil lyse indtil ovnen når den ønskede temperatur.

-Indstil timeren med uret til den ønskede tid.

-Når tilberedningen er færdig drejes timeren til 0 position for at slukke ovnen.


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Melissa KW 14 manual Funktionsoversigt, Indstilling AF Varmefordeling, FØR Ovnen Tages I Brug

KW 14 specifications

Melissa KW 14 is a state-of-the-art technology platform designed to enhance productivity and streamline operations in various industries. This innovative system stands out for its versatility, efficiency, and user-friendly interface, making it an essential tool for businesses aiming to stay competitive in an ever-changing market landscape.

One of the main features of Melissa KW 14 is its advanced data integration capabilities. This technology allows users to seamlessly combine information from different sources, creating a centralized database that facilitates quick access and decision-making. The platform supports a wide range of data formats, ensuring compatibility with existing systems and allowing businesses to leverage their data more effectively.

In addition to data integration, Melissa KW 14 boasts robust analytics tools. These tools enable organizations to analyze large volumes of data in real-time, yielding valuable insights that inform strategic decisions. The system incorporates machine learning algorithms that continuously improve the accuracy of predictions, enabling companies to anticipate market trends and customer preferences.

Collaboration is another hallmark of Melissa KW 14. The platform includes built-in communication features that foster teamwork, regardless of geographical location. Users can share documents, assign tasks, and track progress, ensuring that projects remain on schedule and objectives are met. This collaborative environment is particularly beneficial for remote teams, as it bridges the gap between offices and reduces the barriers to effective teamwork.

Security is a top priority for Melissa KW 14. The system employs advanced encryption protocols to protect sensitive data, safeguarding against unauthorized access and potential breaches. Regular updates and patches are implemented to strengthen security measures and keep the system resilient against emerging threats.

Customization is also a key characteristic of Melissa KW 14. Users can tailor the platform to meet their unique business needs, whether by modifying workflows, creating personalized dashboards, or integrating third-party applications. This flexibility ensures that every company can utilize the platform to its fullest potential, optimizing processes for maximum impact.

In summary, Melissa KW 14 is a comprehensive technology solution that combines data integration, analytics, collaboration, security, and customization. Its innovative features make it an indispensable asset for organizations seeking to enhance their operational efficiency and drive growth in a competitive environment. The platform's user-friendly design ensures that teams can quickly adapt and start leveraging its capabilities, ultimately driving better business outcomes.