MP3123 O/M.QXD 7/26/02 10:00 AM Page 12
The following chart is an example of a Windows Explorer display that will appear on your computer monitor for a single session MP3 CD ROM with Folders/Albums. Check the added notes to help you understand the MP3 CD unit display and the playback sequence of folders/albums and tracks on a single session MP3 CD.
Directory 01
| Skipped |
Blur01.mp3 |
| Blur.jpg | |
| |||
Blur02.mp3 |
| Lyric.doc | |
| |||
Blur03.mp3 |
| |
Blur04.mp3 |
Directory 02
Spice05.mp3 | Directory 04 |
Spice06.mp3 | Girl09.mp3 |
Directory 03 | Girl10.mp3 |
| |
2men07.mp3 | Directory 05 |
2men08.mp3 | Boyz11.mp3 |
Skipped | Boyz12.mp3 |
| |
Abba01.wav | Directory 06 |
Abba02.wav |
| Bread13.mp3 |
Directory 07
•The arrow pathway shows the sequence of MP3 directory and file playback.
•This example has a total of seven MP3 directories.
•Based on this layout, the first file will be “Blur01.mp3” and the last file will be “Twain15.mp3”.
•When the MP3 CD is inserted into the CD player, the first digit in the display will be the folders, and the second digit will be the total number of tracks.
•“Skipped” denotes a directory which contains