Dedicated functions and flash mode Funzioni dedicate e modi flash Funciones dedicadas y funcionamiento del flash
To offset this effect a correction value can be set on some cameras to manually match the TTL flash exposure to the photographic situation. The actual extent of correction depends on the contrast prevailing between subject and background. The correction value is set on the camera. Please refer to the camera’s operating instructions for details concerning the settings.
☞A dark subject in front of a bright background: Positive correction value (approx. 1 to 2 EV). Light subject in front of a dark background: Negative cor- rection value (approx.
Exposure correction by changing the lens diaphragm is not possible because the camera’s automatic exposure system will automatically regard the changed diaphragm as the nor- mal working aperture.
☞After the exposure do not forget to reset the TTL flash exposure correction back to the normal value on the camera!