20. EPGEPG is an Electronic Program Guide containing
programme information for all important stations.
It is broadcast by various stations (in Germany by
Kabel1 and RTL 2) and also includes the data for
the other TV stations in the country.
The TV set needs about 30 minutes to initially
download the large amount of data.
• On TV sets with two tuners, the EPG data are
downloaded with the aid of the second tuner
(see the next page). Once the data have been
downloaded, the TV set stores the EPG in a spe-
cial memory.
The EPG in this memory is updated regularly, pro-
viding the TV set is not switched off with the main
power switch.
• On TV sets with only one tuner:
- the EPG programme position must remain selec-
ted for at least 30 minutes, or
- the data are downloaded at night (02:30 -
03:00) when the TV set is in standby mode.
Not possible with an external receiver !
605 47 2029.A2 LCD-GB 10.03.2006 8:52 Uhr Seite 46