When powering up the JM-1P, the following startup events
take place over several seconds.
1. Audio output is muted.
2. Voltage is detected and the power supply mode is auto-
matically adjusted as necessary.
3. The power supply ramps up.
4. The green On/Temp LED on the user panel lights up,
indicating the loudspeaker is ready to output audio.
NOTE: The fan remains off at turn-on. It is con-
trolled by audio level and operates only at high
audio levels.
CAUTION: If the On/Temp LED does not light
up, or the loudspeaker does not output audio
after ten seconds, remove AC power immediately
and verify that the voltage is within the required
range. If the problem persists, contact Meyer Sound
Technical Support.
CAUTION: If either of the loudspeaker’s circuit
breakers trip (the white center buttons disen-
gage), make sure to disconnect the AC power cable
before resetting the breakers. If necessary, contact
Meyer Sound for repair information.
The current draw for the JM-1P is dynamic and fluctuates as
operating levels change. Since different cables and circuit
breakers heat up at varying rates, it is important to under-
stand the following types of current ratings and how they
affect circuit breaker and cable specifications.
Idle Current — The maximum rms current during idle
Maximum Long-Term Continuous Current — The
maximum rms current during a period of at least 10 sec-
onds. The Maximum Long-Term Continuous Current is
used to calculate temperature increases for cables, to
ensure that cable sizes and gauges conform to electrical
code standards. The current rating is also used as a rat-
ing for slow-reacting thermal breakers. In addition, the
Maximum Long-Term Continuous Current can be used to
calculate the AC looping capability of the JM-1P.
Burst Current — The maximum rms current during a
period of around one second. The Burst Current is used
as a rating for magnetic breakers. It is also used for cal-
culating the peak voltage drop in long AC cable runs
according to the following formula:
V pk (drop) = I pk x R (cable total)
Ultimate Short-Term Peak Current — A rating for fast-
reacting magnetic breakers.
Inrush Current — The spike of initial current encoun-
tered when powering on.
You can use the following table as a guide for selecting
cable gauges and circuit breaker ratings for the system’s
operating voltage.
The minimum electrical service amperage required by a
JM-1P loudspeaker system is the sum of the Maximum
Long-Term Continuous Current for each loudspeaker. An
additional 30 percent above the minimum amperage is rec-
ommended to prevent peak voltage drops at the service
NOTE: For best performance, the AC cable
voltage drop should not exceed 10 V, or
10 percent at 115 V and 5 percent at 230 V. Make
sure that even with AC voltage drops that the AC
voltage always remains within the operating win-
JM-1P Current Draw
Current Draw 115 V AC 230 V AC 100 V AC
Idle Current 0.50 A rms 0.28 A rms 0.56 A rms
Maximum Long-Term
Continuous Current
4.55 A rms 2.50 A rms 5.25 A rms
Burst Current 8.0 A rms 4.1 A rms 9.2 A rms
Ultimate Short-Term
Peak Current
20.8 A peak 13.0 A peak 21.6 A peak
Inrush Current 7.1 A peak 8.4 A peak 7.1 A peak