Off Flashing On
1. Fault The UPS is operating The UPShas detected a The UPShas detected an
Detected normally. No faults new operating fault. The operating fault that has been
(yellow) have been detected. FAULT indicator will continue acknowledged by the user.
to flash until the fault has
been acknowledged by
pressing the grey silence
alarm button.
2. Replace The UPS batter y is O.K. The result of the last battery
Battery test indicates that the UPS
(red) battery cannot provide at least
half of its rated run time. The
battery should be replaced.
This could also indicate an
inverter problem.
3. Battery The UPS battery is The charger is not operating The UPS battery is not yet
Charging charged within 80% of proper ly. Check that the fully charged and cannot
Indicator its full capacity. battery module power cord deliver its full rated run time if
(green) is plugged into a source a power failure occurs.
other than the UPS itself.
4. Output The UPS is capable of The UPS is heavily The UPS is slightly over-loaded.
Overload supporting the load overloaded. Automatic The UPS will continue to sup-
(yellow) connected to it. shutdown is imminent. port the load but it may not be
able to provide its full rated run
time if the UPShas to run on
battery power. Reduce the load.
5. Utility Utility power is not Utility power is present but Utility power is present, stable
Power connected to the UPS. is either unstable or the line and within acceptable voltage
Present voltage is too high or too low limits. In this state, the UPS
(green) to allow operation in utility will be operating on utility
power mode. In this state, power mode.
the UPS will normally be
operating on battery power.
6. Inverter The UPS is not The UPSis operating on The UPS is operating on
on/UPS operating on battery battery power and battery power. The inverter
on battery power. The inverter is performing its periodic is running.
power turned off. inverter/battery test. The
(green) battery test is started once
every 28 days of operation
and lasts for up to 60