It is possible to cycle backward through the configuration options by pressing and holding the top
button. A given option setting can be forced to its factory default state by pressing and
holding the bottom button.
The middle (Power ON) button is not used in configuration mode.
To leave configuration mode, simultaneously depress and hold in both the top and bottom
buttons until the buzzer sounds and the AC PRESENT indicator stops flashing. Any changes made
to the Esprit configuration will now be permanently saved.
6C. Configuration Options
The table below lists the options that can be changed by the user in configuration mode, and shows
which front panel indicators will be on for each option.
Option Indicators
Number Fault Batt Fail Charge
Option affected
0————Extended Battery switch A
1*———Extended Battery switch B
2*——Extended Battery switch C
3**——Operating voltage switch A
4——*Operating voltage switch B
5**Input voltage tolerance switch A
6**Input voltage tolerance switch B
7***Test alarm
8———*Limit run time on battery power
9*——*Cold start enable
10 **Auto restart after low battery shutdown
11 ***UPS mode (On=Normal, Off=Line condition)
12 ——**
Automatic frequency detect on powerup
13 ***
Operating frequency (0=50 Hz, 1=60 Hz)
14 ***
Comm port mode (0=Normal, 1=Tuning/factory)
15 ****
Power-on inverter test
Indicators: ( *) = Option On/illuminated, ( ) = Option Off/dark