IP-Phone will keep trying to connect. On the other hand, if user disables this
function, IP-Phone won’t reboot and keep trying to connect.
8. SNTP Configuration
(1) SNTP Mode:
User can set SNTP function to be on or off, which means IP-Phone will capture
current time from SNTP server or not.
(2) SNTP Server:
User can specify a SNTP server for IP-Phone to capture current time.
(3) Time Zone:
User can set time zone via pressing Í or Î according to the location IP-Phone is.
For example, in Taiwan the time zone should be set as GMT+8:00.
9. Behind IP-Sharing
If IP-Phone is behind IP sharing or NAT device, on IP sharing must enable
“DMZ” function or set “Virtual Server” to open ports (UDP port: 5060 and
User must enter public IP address of IP sharing.
6. Advanced Settings (protected by password)
Please Enter Password: (Default: Null)
Default Password is empty, user can enter this sub-menu directly, once password
has been set in 3.LCD Menu password, user must input password before enter this
If user forget password, please contact with your distributor, we will generate a
specific password according to your MAC address of IP-Phone.
User can also try to configure IP-Phone via Telnet or Web browser with default IP
address: (This only works when default IP address hasn’t been changed.)
1. SIP Settings
1. Connect Mode
Select SIP connection mode to be peer-to-peer mode or Proxy mode.