Basic Combat
Press A to perform the basic attack for any fighting style. You can string together a powerful attack combo by rapidly pressing A, Aor A, A, A.
Press B to defend yourself from basic attacks ( A) and area attacks ( A+
Power Attack
Press X to perform a slow but powerful attack that penetrates any block. Because it is so slow, it can be interrupted by a faster attack ( A).
Area Attack
Press A and X at the same time to knock back all opponents around you. Most area attacks do not inflict any damage. Also, note that you can press B to block an area attack.
To get out of a bad situation or avoid an enemy’s special attack, press B and move L simultaneously .
Pull either trigger to target a different opponent. lswitches to the next target on your left; rswitches to the next target on your right.
Free Target Mode
Pull l+ r to break your lock on an opponent and move more freely around the combat area. Pull l, r, or l+ ragain to exit this mode.
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Advanced Combat
Tactical Pause
While paused you can change fighting styles, switch targets, and swivel the camera to get a better look at the situation. Press <to enter or exit Tactical Pause mode.
Focus Mode
Focusing your mind during combat makes your foes seem to slow down, while you retain your mental clarity and physical speed. While exploring, Focus mode allows you to run extremely fast. Press Y to enter or exit Focus mode, but remember that spending time in this mode drains your Focus energy. To regain Focus energy, gather
Chi Strike
Press bto power your attacks with Chi; while in Chi Strike mode, all your attacks do more damage. Press bagain to exit Chi Strike mode. To regain Chi, gather
Chi Heal
Press and hold bto spend Chi to heal yourself. You continue to heal as long as you hold band have remaining Chi, or until your Health bar is full.
Harmonic Combos
Some attacks in magic or support styles trigger very effective combination attacks called harmonic combos. When a harmonic combo is triggered, a timer appears around the feet of the targeted enemy. While the timer is visible, switch to a martial style, and then press X to finish the combo with a power attack.
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