Miele H 4044 BM I045 h, I2I5, I330 h, Delay start with automatic shut-off, Example, I30 h

Models: H 4044 BM

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Delay start with automatic shut-off

Selecting cooking times

Delay start with automatic shut-off

To have a cooking process automatically turn off, enter a Duration

￿or End time ￿.


The current time is 10:45 a.m.;

a roast with a duration of 90 min. needs to be ready around 1:30 p.m.

￿Place the food in the oven.

￿Select a function and temperature.

The heating, lighting and cooling fan turn on simultaneously.

￿Enter the Duration:

I0:45 h

￿ ￿ ￿ ￿


￿Continue pressing ￿ until the triangle ￿ is below ￿ (Duration).

"0:00" appears in the display.

￿Select "OK".

I:30 h



￿While the triangle ￿ is flashing, enter the duration in hours:minutes (1:30) using the temperature selector or the ￿ touch control.

￿Select "OK".

Now change the End time:


￿ ￿ ￿ ￿


￿Press ￿ until the triangle ￿ is below ￿ (End).

The display shows the current time plus the Duration entered

(10:45 + 1:30 = 12:15 p.m.).

￿Select "OK".

I3:30 h



￿While the triangle ￿ is flashing, move the end time using the temperature selector or the ￿ touch control to the desired time

(1:30 p.m.).

￿Select "OK" to confirm the setting (or simply wait a short time).

Oven heating, lighting and cooling fan turn off.

End time is in the display, as long as the triangle is not moved under another symbol.

As soon as the start time

(1:30 p.m. - 1:30 = 12:00 p.m.) is reached, the oven heating, lighting and cooling fan will turn on.


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Miele H 4044 BM I045 h, I2I5, I330 h, Delay start with automatic shut-off, Example, Now change the End time, I30 h