Genuine Miller Accessories
M-25 Replacement Gun #169 594 10 ft (3 m) #169 596 12 ft (3.7 m)
#169 598 15 ft (4.6 m) standard Gun shipped to run .030
Spoolmate™ 3035 Spool Gun #195 016 Spool gun for aluminum and other wires.
4in spools; .023
Spoolmate™ 3035 25 ft Extension Cable Kit #194 996
Extends Spoolmate 3035 an additional 25 ft (7.6 m) from power source.
Use for demanding applications, rated at 200 A, 60% duty cycle.
Adapter Cable #195 287
Allows Spoolmatic® 15A or 30A to be used with Millermatic 212.
Note: WFS is controlled at the machine, not the gun.
Elevated Gun and Cable Rack #300 337 Dual cylinder rack allows operators to easily roll cylinders on and off the rack with no lifting. Gun and cable rack keeps cables off the floor and tangle free.
Elevated Gun and Cable Rack #300 335 For use with single cylinder rack. (Included with Dual
Protective Cover with
Helmet Bag #195 142
Features side pocket, helmet bag and Flame graphic on side panel.
Argon/Mixed Gas Regulator and Gas Hose #195 050
(Order from Miller Service Parts.)
CO2 Regulator/Flow Gauge #212 492 Required if using 100% CO2 gas. (Order from Miller Service Parts.)