OM-2220 Page 10
6 Minutes Cutting 4 Minutes Resting
2-2. Duty Cycle and Overheating
Duty Cycle is percentage of 10 m in -
utes that unit can cut at rated load
without overheating.
If unit overheats, thermostat(s)
opens, output stops, and cooling
fan runs. Wait fifteen minutes for
unit to cool. Reduce amperage or
duty cycle before cutting.
YExceeding duty cycle can
damage unit and void war-
Three-Phase Input Power:
60% Duty Cycle
Reduce Duty Cycle
Minutes duty1 4/95
Single-Phase Input Power:
50% Duty Cycle
5 Minutes Cutting 5 Minutes Resting
2-3. Cutting Speed
The cutting speed curve shows the
recommended maximum cutting
speed capabilities of the power
source and torch for mild steel,
aluminum and stainless steel of
various thickness.
YExceeding recommended
cutting speeds will cause
rapid erosion of the tip and
Cutting speed is approximately
10 inches per minute at 0.875 in
(22 mm) mild steel thickness at
max setting/tip saver mode.