CF911PE Operator’s Manual
This color printer is a digital printer which operates b y means of a laser. There is no possibility of danger
from the laser, provided the printer is operated according to the instructions in this manual.
Since radiation emitted by the laser is completely confined within protective housing, the laser beam
cannot escape from the machine during any phase of user operation.
This machine is certified as a Class 1 laser product. This means the printer does not produce hazardous
laser radiation.
The use of controls, adjustments or p erf ormance of procedures other than those specified in this manual
may result in hazardous radiation exposure. Because of this, we strongly recommend that you operate
your printer only as described in this documentation.
For United States Users:
This printer is certified as a Class 1 La ser pr odu ct und er the Radiat ion Pe rforma nce Sta ndard acc ording to
the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1990. Compliance is mandatory for Laser products marketed in the
United States and is reported to the Center for Devic es and Ra diolog ical Health ( CDRH) of th e U.S. Foo d
and Drug Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). This means
that the Printer does not produce hazardous laser radiation.
The label shown below indicates comp li ance with the CDRH regulations an d must be attached to laser
products marketed in the United States.
Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified in this manual
may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Internal Laser Radiation
Maximum Radiation Power: 26.79 µW
Wave Length: 780 nm