Chemical Resistance
Ammonia <40% | Linseed oil | Dioctyl Phthalate |
Caustic soda <40% | Paraffin oil | Sodium carbonate |
Hydrogen peroxide <25% | Blown castor oil | Petrol |
Alkalicarbonate | Silicone oil | Teepol |
Bichromate | Turpentine substitute | Water |
Diesel oil | Univeral brake fluid | Sea water |
Acetonitrile | Decon | - |
Sodium bisulphate | Aviation fuel | - |
Autotex withstands DIN 42 115 Part 2 exposure of up to 1 hour duration to glacial acetic acid without visible change.
Autotex is not resistant to high pressure steam at over 100 °C or the following chemicals:
Concentrated mineral acids | Benzyl alcohol |
Concentrated caustic solution | Mehylene chloride |
Autotex withstands 24 hours exposure to the following reagents at 50 °C without visible staining:
Top Job | Grape Juice | Ariel | Ajax |
Jet Dry | Milk | Persil | Vim |
Gumption | Coffee | Wisk | Domestos |
Fantastic | - | Lenor | Vortex |
Formula 409 | - | Downey | Windex |
Very slight discoloration was noted under critical viewing conditions with the following materials:
Tomato juice | Tomato ketchup | Lemon juice | Mustard |
Outdoor Use
In common with all polyester based films Autotex F157 is not suitable for use in conditoins of long term exposure to direct sunlight.
4.2.2 Display Surface
The display surface on the operator terminal withstands exposure of more than 24 hours duration to the following chemicals without visible change:
Acetic acid <5% | Dichloromethane | Nitric acid |
| (specific gravity 1.42) |
Glacial acetic acid | Nitric acid <40% | |
(specific gravity 1.05) |
Ethyl acetate | Oleic acid | |
Acetone | Olive oil | |
Aqueous ammonia | Ethyl alcohol <95% | Pure water |
(specific gravity 0.9) |
Aqueous ammonia <10% | Seawater | |
Benzene | Hydrochloric acid <35% | Sodium carbonate <20% |
Mitsubishi Electric, MA00776 |