3 Device Configuration
The Device Configuration information provided in this section applies to both the EWR and the
PWR devices due to their functional similarities. It is important to note that within the
MeshManager Software and the Device Administration Web interface, any reference made to a
EWR device is also applicable to a PWR.

3.1 IP Addressing Considerations

The EWR and PWR provide network access to one or more IP devices connected to the on-
board Ethernet port. In order for the EWR or the PWR to provide service to the IP devices,
some configuration must be set up prior to connecting the IP devices.
The local default gateway address is used only on the wired interface, and is only visible to the
attached IP devices. It is not advertised to the wireless network, and the network cannot access
the EWR/PWR using this gateway address. The EWR/PWR has another IP address for the
wireless interface that can be used to access the EWR/PWR from the network. Because this
gateway address is limited to the local wired interface, the same address could be used for the
gateway service in several EWR/PWR devices. The local gateway should be a part of the
overall subnet chosen for your MEA network.
Care must be taken to ensure that the selected IP address is on the same subnet, and does not
conflict with any other devices or the chosen Local Gateway service address on the MEA

3.2 Accessing the MEA Device Administration Web Pages

To modify the IP configuration for the EWR/PWR using the web interface, you must know the IP
address assigned to the EWR/PWR SBC. The mechanism for assigning the IP address is
controlled by the addressing mode of the EWR/PWR SBC. Regardless of the mechanism, the
assigned IP address can always be displayed using MeshManager.
If the factory setting is used, then the default addressing mode will be Remote DHCP, and the
EWR/PWR SBC IP address will be assigned by the network DHCP server.
If the SBC addressing mode was changed to Statically Provisioned, and an IP address was
entered, then the entered IP address will be used.
If the SBC addressing mode was changed to Statically Provisioned, but no IP address was
entered, then the default SBC IP address will be derived from the transceiver MAC address
(10.xx.yy.1, where the MAC address is 00:05:12:0A:XX:YY), similar to the default IP addresses
described in the External Device Provisioning section. XX and YY are hex val ues from the
transceiver MAC address, and the lowercase xx and yy are the same values in decimal. For
example, a EWR/PWR with a transceiver MAC address of 00:05:12:0A:80:20 would have a
default SBC IP address of
Once the IP address is known, the device web page can be accessed by pointing your web
browser to the IP address of the EWR/PWR SBC. For example, if the EWR/PWR SBC address
is, then the web page would be found at

3.2.1 User Name and Administrator Access Information

The device has two accounts for the web interface - an administrative account
(username:admin, default password:admin), and an access account (username: monitor, default
password: monitor). The administrative account must be used for provisioning the device, and