About Your Phone

Set Phone Alert

To change your phone’s alert in the external display:

Return an Unanswered Call

When you cannot answer a call, your phone keeps a record of
your unanswered calls and displays the message
X Missed Calls, where X is the total number of missed calls.
When you see the X Missed Calls message in the external
Note: Because the microphone and earpiece are unavailable
when the phone is closed, you must use a headset or other
hands-free device with this feature.
Battery Use
Caution: To prevent injuries or burns, do not allow metal
objects to contact or short-circuit the battery terminals.
Press To
volume keys scroll to Alert
smart key select an alert type
volume keys return to the idle display
Press To
smart key see the received calls list
volume keys scroll through the list and select a call
that you want to return
smart key send the call