Getting Started 3-11
c. If using the static or DHCP Server option, enter the network-assigned IP Address of the
access point.
d. The Subnet Mask defines the size of the subnet. The first two sets of numbers specify
the network domain, the next set specifies the subset of hosts within a larger network.
These values help divide a network into subnetworks and simplify routing and data
e. If using the static or DHCP Server option, enter a Default Gateway to define the
numerical IP address of a router the access point uses on the Ethernet as its default
f. If using the static or DHCP Server option, enter the Primary DNS Server numerical IP
g. If using the DHCP Server option, use the Address Assignment Range parameter to
specify a range of IP address reserved for mapping clients to IP addresses. If a manually
(static) mapped IP address is within the IP address range specified, that IP address could
still be assigned to another client. To avoid this, ensure all statically mapped IP
addresses are outside of the IP address range assigned to the DHCP server.
For additional access point LAN port configuration options, see Configuring the LAN
Interface on page 5-1.
8. Enable the radio(s) using the Enable checkbox(es) within the Radio Configuration field. If
using a single radio access point, enable the radio, then select either 2.4 GHz or 5.2 GHz from
the RF Band of Operation field. Only one RF band option at a time is permissible in a
single-radio model. If using a dual-radio model, the user can enable both RF bands. For
additional radio configuration options, see Configuring the 802.11a or 802.11b/g Radio on
page 5-55.
9. Select the WLAN #1 tab (WLANs 1 - 4 are available within the Quick Setup screen) to define
its ESSID and security scheme for basic operation.
NOTE DNS names are not supported as a valid IP address for the access point.
The user is required to enter a numerical IP address.
NOTE A maximum of 16 WLANs are configurable within the Wireless
Configuration screen. The limitation of 16 WLANs exists regardless of
whether the access point is a single or dual-radio model.