Motorola, Inc.
Consumer Advocacy Office
600 N US Hwy 45
Libertyville, IL 60048
Do not ship your accessory product to the above address. If you need to return
your product for repairs, replacement, or warranty service, please contact the
Motorola Customer Support Center at:
1-877-MOTOBLU (Motorola Bluetooth® support)
1-800-331-6456 (United States)
1-888-390-6456 (TTY/TDD United States for hearing impaired)
1-800-461-4575 (Canada)
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark
Office. The Bluetooth trademarks are owned by their proprietor and used by
Motorola, Inc. under license. All other product or service names are the property of
their respective owners.
© 2010 Motorola, Inc. All rights reserved.
Manual Number: 68000202619-A