Motorola i325 manual Intrinsically Safe

Models: i325

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Safety and General Information



Warnings for Radios Approved as


• Failure to use an FM/CSA Approved

Intrinsically Safe

Portable Radio Product with the specific

Portable radio products must ship from the


approved battery or accessories may

Motorola manufacturing facility with the hazardous


result in a dangerously unsafe condition

atmosphere capability and the intrinsic safety


when being used in a hazardous

approval labeling (FM, CSA, CEPEL, etc). Portable



radio products will not be upgraded to this


• Unauthorized or incorrect modification of

capability and labeled once they have been


an Intrinsically Safe approved portable

shipped to the field.


radio product can negate the FM or CSA

A modification changes the unit’s hardware from its


Approval for that radio unit.

original design configuration. Modifications can


• Incorrect repair or relabeling of any

only be made by the original product manufacturer.


intrinsically safe Agency-approved radio




could adversely affect the Approval rating


Do not replace or change accessories in


of the unit.



• Use of a radio that is not intrinsically safe

a hazardous atmosphere. Contact



sparking may occur while installing or


in a hazardous atmosphere could result in


removing accessories and may cause an


serious injury or death.


explosion or fire.



Turn the radio communications equipment off before removing or installing a battery or accessory.

Do not disassemble the FM/CSA Approved Product unit in any way that exposes the internal electrical circuits of the unit.


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Motorola i325 manual Intrinsically Safe