Gracenote CDDB® Music Recognition Service
The Gracenote CDDB© Music Recognition Service can be used to automatically look up details of audio CDs such as
Title, Artist, and Track names. There is no charge to register and use the service. You have the option during the
installation of Motorola Digital Music Center to register with Gracenote, but if you do not, you can register later by
following the instructions below. To register, your PC must be connected to the Internet. It must also be connected to
the Internet when ripping CDs so that Gracenote can retrieve and provide the music details of the CD being ripped.
In Digital Music Center:
1 Click Tools.
2 Click Options.
3 Click Copy CD.
4 Click Advanced.
5 Click Register to register or re-register with the Gracenote CDDB Music Recognition Service.
6 Click Next.
7 Check the box that reads “I have read and agree to these Terms of Use.”
8 Click Finish.
9 Click Done.
10 Click OK.
If you have not registered with Gracenote, a ripped CD will have ID3 tag data of “Unknown Artist” and “Track X” (where X is the
track number of the CD) both in the player’s information screen and in Motorola Digital Music Center.