FM Tuner
Use the options in the FM Tuner menu to control the player’s FM setup.
1 Open MENU by pressing Thumbstick to .
2 Move Thumbstick to select Settings.
3 Press Thumbstick in.
4 Move Thumbstick to select FM Tuner.
5 Press Thumbstick in. The Options bar will be highlighted; press Thumbstick in again.
6 The Stereo and Region options will appear with the current modes displayed and the Stereo setting blinking.
7 Press Thumbstick either Forward (|) or Reverse (|) to change the Stereo option, then press Thumbstick
down to select the Region setting, which will start blinking.
8 Press Thumbstick either Forward (|) or Reverse (|) to change the option to the area where you will be
using the m250/m500. Press Thumbstick in to set that option, which will stop blinking.
9 Press Forward (|) to save settings and Reverse (|) to cancel them. Either a check mark (accepted) or an
X (canceled) will appear on the screen. If accepted, you will return to the screen shown before you started this
task; if canceled, you will see the Options bar screen again. Press Reverse (|) to go back to the Settings
FM Tuner options include:
FM Stereo Mode
Options include On (the default setting) and Off. Selecting Off will place the tuner in mono mode. This may help
eliminate any hiss heard on distant stations.
Options include USA (tunes by .2MHz, the default setting), Japan (tunes by .05 MHz), and Europe (tunes by