9.1 | Bag Phone Model main contents | 20 |
9.2 | Optional Accessories | 20 |
10 | Optional Accessories | 21 |
10.1 | Booster | 21 |
10.1.1 Adaptors for Wilson Booster: | 21 | |
10.1.2 Adaptors for Cyfre and Signalreach Boosters: | 21 | |
10.2 | Data Kit | 21 |
11 | Bag Phone Specifications | 22 |
12 | Package Content | 25 |
12.1 | Bag Phone package | 25 |
12.2 | Booster Chassis Package | 25 |
13 | Product Labeling | 25 |
13.1 | Product Labeling | 25 |
13.1.1 On the back of the M800 | 25 | |
13.1.2 On the Main bag chassis | 25 | |
14 | Consolidation Package | 26 |
14.1 | Bag Phone Consolidation Package | 26 |
14.2 | Consolidation Package labeling | 26 |
14.3 | Booster chassis Consolidation Package | 26 |
15 | Appendix A | 27 |
15.1 | Product label | 27 |
15.2 | CLA Cable | 27 |
15.3 | AC Wall Adaptor | 27 |
15.4 | External Microphone | 28 |
15.5 | 28 | |
15.6 | Battery | 28 |
Motorola Confidential Proprietary | Page 4 of 28 |