Glossary - 9

Subnet Mask. A 32-bit number used to separate the network and host sections of an IP address. A custom subnet mask
subdivides an IP network into smaller subsections. The mask is a binary pattern that is matched up with the IP address
to turn part of the host ID address field into a field for subnets. Default is often
Substrate. A foundation material on which a substance or image is placed.
Symbol. A scannable unit that encodes data within the conventions of a certain symbology, usually including start/stop
characters, quiet zones, data characters and check characters.
Symbol Aspect Ratio. The ratio of symbol height to symbol width.
Symbol Height. The distance between the outside edges of the quiet zones of the first row and the last row.
Symbol Length. Length of symbol measured from the beginning of the quiet zone (margin) adjacent to the start character
to the end of the quiet zone (margin) adjacent to a stop character.
Symbology. The structural rules and conventions for representing data within a particular bar code type (e.g. UPC/EAN,
Code 39, PDF417, etc.).
TFTP. (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) A version of the TCP/IP FTP (File Transfer Protocol) protocol that has no directory or
password capability. It is the protocol used for upgrading firmware, downloading software and remote booting of diskless
Tolerance. Allowable deviation from the nominal bar or space width.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. See TCP/IP.
Trivial File Transfer Protocol. See TFTP.
TSR. See Terminate and Stay Resident.
UPC. Universal Product Code. A relatively complex numeric symbology. Each character consists of two bars and two
spaces, each of which is any of four widths. The standard symbology for retail food packages in the United States.
Visible Laser Diode (VLD). A solid state device which produces visible laser light.