KwikNet MPC5200 FEC Device Driver
5. Making the KwikNet MPC5200 BestComm LibraryThe make process depends upon the structure of the KwikNet MPC5200 FEC Ethernet
Device Driver installation directory KN5200E. When the driver is installed, the following
subdirectories are created within directory KN5200E.
ERR Construction error summary
M5200E Driver source and header files
M5200BC BestComm API and microcode source and header files
MAKE Construction make directory
TOOLXXX Toolset specific files
TOOLXXX\LIB Toolset specific library will be built here
Several toolset specific directories TOOLXXX will be present. There will be one such
directory for each of the software development toolsets with which KADAK has built the
KwikNet MPC5200 BestComm Library. Each toolset vendor is identified by a unique two
or three character mnemonic, XXX. The mnemonic UU identifies the toolset vendor used
with the KwikNet Porting Kit.
Directory Toolset Vendor KwikNet Part
TOOLDA DA Diab (Wind River) KwikNet PPC32
TOOLME ME Metrowerks KwikNet PPC32
TOOLMW MW MetaWare KwikNet PPC32
TOOLUU UU Custom tools KwikNet Porting Kit
Within directory TOOLXXX you will find a tailoring file named KNZZZCC.INC used to
tailor the KwikNet Library construction process for the Microsoft make utility. This file is
a copy of the most recent tailoring file for toolset XXX provided with KwikNet PPC32 . For
toolset UU, the file is a copy of the most recent Metrowerks tailoring file provided with
the KwikNet Porting Kit.
Within directory TOOLXXX you will find an additional tailoring file named KN5200E.INC
used to tailor the library construction process specifically for the generation of the
KwikNet MPC5200 BestComm Library. It is this file which contains the implicit rules for
compiling source files and creating the library module.
Getting Ready
Before you start, build your KwikNet Library as described in Chapter 3.2 of the KwikNet
TCP/IP Stack User's Guide. Once you have completed this step, all necessary KwikNet
header files will be present in your Treck installation directory, say C:\TRECK\INCLUDE.
If you are using KwikNet PPC32, make sure that your tailoring file KNZZZCC.INC from
KwikNet installation directory KNT383\TOOLXXX matches the copy in driver directory
If you are using the KwikNet Porting Kit, copy your toolset specific tailoring file
KNZZZCC.INC from KwikNet Porting Kit working directory KNT713\TOOLUU to driver
directory KN5200E\TOOLUU. Then edit tailoring file KN5200E\TOOLUU\KN5200E.INC to
use the compilation and librarian commands for your specific software development