Establishing Ethernet Connections
network, select Ethernet Info from the Tools menu. This produces a
window with two tabs.
The Network tab contains information about the IP Settings for and the
amount Activity on your current WiFi connection (if any).
The Device tab contains information about your current Ethernet Device
(if any).
This box displays your computer's current network configuration. It
includes the following information:
IP Address
The Internet address your computer is using for the current network
Ethernet connection.
The address of the device that is responsible for routing all of your network
traffic onto the Internet.
DNS Server
The address of the server your computer is using to translate verbal
Internet addresses into numerical addresses (and vice versa).
DHCP Server
The address of the server that assigned your computer's network
configuration for the current wireless connection.
WINS Server
The address of the server (if any) that your computer is using to find the
names of computers on a Windows network.
USBw 100
26 MAR 2009