Creating and Managing Network Profiles
Enable Application Launcher
If this box is checked, the Motorola Connection Manager software will
launch the applications listed on the App Launcher tab of the Settings
window whenever it establishes a connection to the network whose profile
you are configuring.
If this box is not checked, the specified applications will not be launched.
Disable IE's Manual Proxy Settings...
If you normally connect to the Internet through a proxy server (this is
common on corporate LANs), you may experience difficulty connecting to
the Internet with Internet Explorer when you are traveling. This is because
Internet Explorer is trying to connect through a proxy server that is on your
home network rather than on the network to which you are connected.
If this is the case, you may wish to disable Internet Explorer's proxy
settings while you are connected to other networks. Check this box to
disable proxy settings while you are connected using this profile.
Launch Browser Window on Connect
Check this box to automatically launch your browser each time you connect
to this network. If you want the browser to start at a particular web page
each time you connect to this network, enter the address of the desired web
page in the box below.
Profile Properties: IP The IP Settings page allows you to configure the Internet Protocol (IP)
addressing to be used with this Profile. You will not need to alter these
values unless specifically instructed to by your administrator.
Profile IP Address
The top group of settings specifies the IP address that your system will use
when connected to this network. The default selection, Obtain IP address
automatically, instructs the Motorola Connection Manager to ask the
network to assign it an appropriate address each time it connects. This is
the correct setting for most network profiles.
If the network does not support automatic address assignment, you can
enter appropriate values manually by clicking Use the following IP
address. Contact the administrator of the network whose profile you are
configuring to obtain appropriate values for these fields.
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38 MAR 2009