Your phone shows the caller’s name and picture when they’re stored in Contacts, or Incoming Call when caller ID information isn’t available.
You can set your phone to play a different ringer ID for an entry stored in Contacts (see page 40).
emergency calls
Your service provider programs one or more emergency phone numbers, such as 911 or 112, that you can call under any circumstances, even when your phone is locked.
Note: Emergency numbers vary by country. Your phone’s preprogrammed emergency number(s) may not work in all locations, and sometimes an emergency call cannot be placed due to network, environmental, or interference issues.
1Press the keypad keys to dial the emergency number.
2Press Nto call the emergency number.
AGPS during an emergency call
When you make an emergency call, your phone can use
The AGPS feature has limitations, so always tell the emergency response center your best knowledge of your location. Remain on the phone for as long as the emergency response center instructs you.
AGPS might not work for emergency calls:
•Your phone’s AGPS feature must be turned on (see page 31).
•Your local emergency response center might not process AGPS location information. For details, contact your local authorities.
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