A |
accessories |
antennas | 43 |
batteries | 43 |
belt clips | 44 |
44 | |
carry accessories | 44 |
chargers | 44 |
Commport integrated microphone/ | |
receivers | 46 |
earpieces | 46 |
headsets | 47 |
microphones, remote speaker .45 | |
radio interface modules | 48 |
switches | 48 |
alert tones | 5 |
analog squelch | 21 |
answer a private call | 31 |
antenna |
attach the antenna | 10 |
radio operating frequencies | 41 |
remove the antenna | 10 |
antennas | 43 |
B |
batteries | 43 |
battery |
attach the battery | 9 |
battery charge status | 39 |
charging the battery | 8 |
recycling and disposal | 40 |
remove the battery | 9 |
belt clip |
attach the belt clip | 11 |
remove the belt clip | 11 |
C |
call alert |
answer a call alert | 32 |
carry accessories |
belt clips | 44 |
44 |
channel |
select a channel | 15 |
chargers | 44 |
enhanced and | |
45 |
conventional mode operation | 19 |
emergency |
emergency | 27 |
send an emergency alarm | 24 |
send an emergency call | 25 |
failsoft | 35 |
glossary | 53 |
LED indicators | 5 |
microphones, remote speaker .... | 45 |
monitor button | 18 |
notations used in this manual | 1 |
phone call |
answer a phone call | 30 |
physical features of the radio | 3 |
PL defeat | 21 |
programmable features | 4 |
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model I | 63 |