NPort IA5150/5250 Series User’s Manual Web Console Configuration
You must assign a valid IP address to NPort IA5150/5250 before it will work in your network
environment. Your network system administrator should provide you with an IP address and
related settings for your network. The IP address must be unique within the network (otherwise,
NPort IA5150/5250 will not have a valid connection to the network). First time users can refer to
Chapter 3, “Initial IP Address Configuration,” for more information.
You can choose from four possible “IP configuration” modesStatic, DHCP, DHCP/BOOTP,
and BOOTPlocated under the web console screen’s IP configuration drop-down box.
Method Function Definition
Static User defined IP address, Netmask, Gateway.
DHCP DHCP Server assigned IP address, Netmask, Gateway, DNS, and Time
DHCP/BOOTP DHCP Server assigned IP address, Netmask, Gateway, DNS, and Time
Server, or BOOTP Server assigned IP address (if the DHCP Server does not
BOOTP BOOTP Server assigns IP address
IP Address
Setting Factory Default Necessity
(IP addresses of the form x.x.x.0 and
x.x.x.255 are invalid.) Required
An IP address is a number assigned to a network device (such as a computer) as a permanent
address on the network. Computers use the IP address to identify and talk to each other over the
network. Choose a proper IP address that is unique and valid in your network environment.
Setting Factory Default Necessity
E.g., Required
A subnet mask represents all of the network hosts at one geographic location, in one building, or
on the same local area network. When a packet is sent out over the network, the NPort
IA5150/5250 will use the subnet mask to check whether the desired TCP/IP host specified in the
packet is on the local network segment. If the address is on the same network segment as the
NPort IA5150/5250, a connection is established directly from the NPort IA5150/5250. Otherwise,
the connection is established through the given default gateway.
Setting Factory Default Necessity
E.g., None Optional
A gateway is a network gateway that acts as an entrance to another network. Usually, the
computers that control traffic within the network or at the local Internet service provider are
gateway nodes. NPort IA5150/5250 needs to know the IP address of the default gateway computer
in order to communicate with the hosts outside the local network environment. For correct
gateway IP address information, consult the network administrator.