int swtd_enable(int fd, unsigned long time)
Enable application sWatchDog. And you must do ack after this process.
int fd - the file handle, from the swtd_open() return value.
unsigned long time - The time you wish to ack sWatchDog periodically. You must ack the
sWatchDog before timeout. If you do not ack, the system will be reboot automatically. The
minimal time is 50 msec, the maximum time is 60 seconds. The time unit is msec.
OK will be zero. The other has some error, to get the error code from errno().
int swtd_disable(int fd)
Disable the application to ack sWatchDog. And the kernel will be auto ack it. User does not to
do it at periodic.
int fd - the file handle from swtd_open() return value.
OK will be zero. The other has some error, to get error code from errno.
int swtd_get(int fd, int *mode, unsigned long *time)
Get current setting values.
mode –
1 for user application enable sWatchDog: need to do ack.
0 for user application disable sWatchdog: does not need to do ack.
time – The time period to ack sWatchDog.
Input :
int fd - the file handle from swtd_open() return value.
int *mode - the function will be return the status enable or disable user application need to
do ack.
unsigned long *time – the function will return the current time period.
OK will be zero.
The other has some error, to get error code from errno().