Appendix A System Commands
busybox (V0.60.4): Linux normal command utility collection
File manager
1. cp copy file
2. ls list file
3. ln make symbolic link file
4. mount mount and check file system
5. rm delete file
6. chmod change file owner & group & user
7. chown change file owner
8. chgrp change file group
9. sync sync file system, let system file buffer be saved to hardware
10. mv move file
11. pwd display now file directly
12. df list now file system space
13. mkdir make new directory
14. rmdir delete directory
1. vi text editor
2. cat dump file context
3. zcat compress or expand files
4. grep search string on file
5. cut get string on file
6. find find file where are there
7. more dump file by one page
8. test test file exist or not
9. sleep sleep (seconds)
10. echo echo string
1. ping ping to test network
2. route routing table manager
3. netstat display network status
4. ifconfig set network ip address
5. tracerout trace route
6. tftp
7. telnet
8. ftp