Current CPU Frequency
It shows the current frequency of CPU.
Current DRAM Frequency
It shows the current frequency of Memory.
Intel EIST
The Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® technology allows you to set the performance level of the microprocessor whether the computer is running on battery or AC power. If you intent to adjust the CPU Ratio, please set “Disabled” in this field. This field will appear after you installed the CPU which support speedstep technology.
Adjust CPU FSB Frequency (MHz)
When Auto Detect CPU Frequency item set to [Disable], this item will allow you to manually adjust the CPU FSB frequency.
Adjusted CPU Frequency
It shows the adjusted CPU frequency (FSB x Ratio).
Advance DRAM Configuration > DRAM CAS# Latency
The field controls the CAS latency, which determines the timing delay before DRAM starts a read command after receiving it. [2T] increases system performance while [2.5T] provides more stable system performance. Setting to [By SPD] enables DRAM CAS# Latency automatically to be determined by BIOS based on the configurations on the SPD (Serial Presence Detect) EEPROM on the DRAM module.
FSB/Memory Ratio
When Auto Detect DRAM Frequency item set to [Disable], this item will allow you to manually adjust the FSB/Ratio of the memory.
Adjusted DDR Memory Frequency
It shows the adjusted DDR Memory frequency.
Adjust PCI-E Frequency (MHz)
This item allows you to select the PCI Express clock frequency (in MHz) and overclock by adjusting the PCI Express clock to a higher frequency.
Auto Disable DIMM/PCI Frequency
When set to [Enabled], the system will remove (turn off) clocks from empty DIMM and PCI slots to minimize the electromagnetic interference (EMI).
Spread Spectrum
When the motherboard’s clock generator pulses, the extreme values (spikes) of the pulses create EMI (Electromagnetic Interference). The Spread Spectrum function reduces the EMI generated by modulating the pulses so that the spikes of the pulses are reduced to flatter curves. If you do not have any EMI problem, leave the setting at Disabled for optimal system stability and performance. But if you are plagued by EMI, set to Enabled for EMI reduction. Remember to disable Spread Spectrum if you are overclocking because even a slight jitter can introduce a temporary boost in clock speed which may just cause your overclocked processor to lock up.
If you do not have any EMI problem, leave the setting at [Disabled] for optimal system stability and performance. But if you are plagued by EMI, select the value of Spread Spectrum for EMI reduction.