
B’dan, Micro Star International CO., LTD tiddikkjara li dan l-apparat iħares il-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u d-

dispożizzjonijiet oħrajn relevanti tad-Direttiva 1999/5/KE. Id-Dikjarazzjoni rispettiva tal-konformità tista’ tinstab fuq is-sit ta’ l-internet:

L-operat ta’ l-IEEE 802.11b/g u l-Bluetooth®fuq 2.4GHz

L-Ewropa: Frekwenzi: 2.400 – 2.4835 GHz

Franza: Frekwenzi: 2.4465– 2.4835 GHz,

L-użu barra huwa limitat għal 10mW e.i.r.p. fi ħdan il-faxxa 2454-2453.5 MHz


Tinħtieġ awtorizzazzjoni ġenerali jekk jintuża ‘l barra mill-post tas-sid stess.


Tinħtieġ awtorizzazzjoni ġenerali għas-servizz pubbliku.

Pajjiżi Notifikati:

Germany, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Spain, Austria, Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Luxembourg, Estonia, Letvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia , Slovenia, Hungary, Poland und Malta.

Użu preskritt:

Dan il-prodott jintegra apparat ta’ WLAN- u/jew Bluetooth®.

Dan l-apparat jistabbilixxi link bejn żewġ kompjuters. Barra minn hekk, huwa possibbli li jiġi stabbilit link bejn l- apparat tal-WLAN- jew Bluetooth® ma’ kull apparat ieħor tal-WLAN- jew Bluetooth® li jħarsu strettament il- ħtiġijiet ta’ l-IEEE 803.11b/g jew tal-Bluetooth®.

Firxa operattiva:

Il-firxa tat-trasmissjoni bejn apparat differenti tal-WLAN- u jew Bluetooth® ivarja waqt li jiddipendi fuq l- ambjent speċifiku. Ħitan, l-art tal-konkrit (ħadid), twieqi laminati, il-bodi tal-vetturi, eċċ..

Iktar interferenzi elettromanjetiċi:

-emmissjonijiet ta’ frekwenza għolja ta’ kull tip,

-Bini, siġar, eċċ.

-Ħiters, konkrit bil-ħadid, eċċ.

-sistemi tal-kompjuter miftuħin, eċċ.

-Fran tal-majkrowejv, eċċ.

Il-kommunikazzjoni (skambju ta’ data) hija dipendenti fuq is-softwaregħall-apparat tal-WLAN jew Bluetooth®.

©Copyright MSI Technology GmbH 2005. All rights reserved.


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MSI US60G manual Malti

US60G specifications

The MSI US60G is a versatile and powerful laptop designed for users who demand performance, portability, and style. This innovative machine is ideally suited for professionals, gamers, and content creators, thanks to its impressive specifications and cutting-edge technologies.

One of the standout features of the MSI US60G is its high-performance processor options. Equipped with the latest Intel Core i7 or i5 CPUs, the laptop delivers exceptional processing power, allowing users to handle multiple tasks efficiently. Whether it's gaming, video editing, or running demanding applications, the US60G ensures smooth performance with minimal lag.

Another key characteristic of the US60G is its graphics capabilities. Gaming enthusiasts will appreciate the dedicated NVIDIA GeForce graphics card, which provides stunning visuals and supports high frame rates in the latest titles. This feature is complemented by a high-resolution display, which offers vibrant colors and sharp details, making it ideal for both gaming and multimedia consumption.

The laptop also boasts a robust cooling solution, ensuring that the system remains cool even during intense sessions. MSI’s Cooler Boost technology enhances airflow and thermal dissipation, allowing the laptop to maintain optimal performance while preventing overheating. This is particularly important for gamers who want to push their hardware to the limit without fear of thermal throttling.

In terms of design, the MSI US60G features a sleek and modern aesthetic, characterized by a durable chassis and a backlit keyboard. The keyboard is designed for comfort during extended use, with responsive keys that enhance typing accuracy. Additionally, the laptop is lightweight and portable, making it suitable for users on the go.

Storage options on the US60G include fast SSD drives, providing quick boot times and rapid access to files and applications. The inclusion of ample RAM ensures seamless multitasking, allowing users to switch between applications without experiencing slowdowns.

Connectivity is another highlight, with a range of ports including USB-C, HDMI, and Ethernet, ensuring compatibility with various devices and peripherals. The laptop also supports Wi-Fi 6, enabling faster internet speeds and improved network performance, which is essential for online gaming and streaming.

In summary, the MSI US60G is a powerful and well-equipped laptop that meets the needs of various users. With its high-performance processors, dedicated graphics, advanced cooling, and sleek design, it stands out as a top choice for those seeking a reliable machine for gaming, work, or creative pursuits.