Maintenance Schedule
Before | Every | Every | Every | Every | Prior |
Each use | 10 Hours | 25 Hours | 50 Hours | 100 Hours | to Storing |
Clean Hood/Dash Louvers |
| P | P |
| |
Check Engine Oil Level | P | P |
| |
Check Air Filter for Dirty, Loose or Damaged Parts | P |
Clean and |
| P |
| |
Replace Air Filter Element |
| P |
| |
Change Engine Oil and Replace Oil Filter |
| P |
| |
Clean Battery Terminals |
| P | P |
| |
Lube Front Axles and Rims |
| P | P |
| |
Clean Engine Cooling Fins |
| P | P |
| |
Lube Pedal Pivot Points |
| P | P |
| |
Check Spark Plug Condition & Gap |
| P | P |
| |
Replace Fuel Filter |
| P |
NOTE: This Operators Manual covers a range of product specifications for various models. Characteristics and features discussed and/ or illustrated in this manual may not be applicable to all models. MTD LLC reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and equipment without notice and without incurring obligation.
IMPORTANT: Since this manual covers a range of various tractor models, it is important to consult the specific engine operator’s manual included with this machine for detailed engine maintenance procedures and intervals.
22Section 6— Maintenance & Adjustments