Maintenance & Adjustments 6


WARNING! Before performing any
maintenance or repairs, disengage the PTO,
move the drive control levers fully outward in
the neutral position, engage the parking brake,
stop the engine and remove the key to prevent
unintended starting.


Refer to the Briggs & Stratton Owner’s Manual for all
engine maintenance intervals, procedures, specifications
and instructions.

Changing the Engine Oil

WARNING! If the engine has been recently run,
the engine, muffler and surrounding metal
surfaces will be hot and can cause burns to the
skin. Exercise caution to avoid burns.
To complete an oil change, proceed as follows:
Run the engine for a short time to warm the engine
oil. The oil will flow more freely and carry away more
impurities. Use care to avoid burns from hot oil.
Locate the oil drain port on the left side of the engine.
MtT-5(arMt)3(T-5(arM 152.8481 521.68 Tm[(I)-8(f t)3(3(y m)-3(o)-5(r)4(e )]TJETBT/T1_3 1 Tft)9(6R2/T1_0 1 Tf12 (e)5(v)10(eai)-p)-3(d)-3(e o)-2(f t(i)-1(n)-2(3(.)]TJETBT/T1_3oe f)-8(n t)3(h)-2(e l)-4(5 Tm[(Mt)3(T-5(arMt)3(T-5(arM 152.84393.2(v)10()2(ur)4(-2)4(e)5(v)1n)6(s(6R2/x2(ur(e)-4(n)-2(g-4n)8(t)1(r)4(o)-5(l-2(e l)-4(e)-5(f)-33(t s)2(iw)-2. -2(i)-2(g)-3(g)3(s & S)1F1n)6t)9(o) o)-3(i4n)86-4(r)-)59(1)482. 5 Tm[(Mt)3(T-5(arMt)3(T-5(arM 152.84381.95)-4(r)-2(i)-2(0(o p)-5(r)4(e)5(v)10(e)-4(n)(t o)-5(TJETB8(r)4((eai)-p)2(s/)41/T1_3 p.4 45-80 10 110.51(e)kTJETBT/T1_3 1 )10(e)-4(n)(t o)-5(TJETB8(.34 t 1 Tf10)3(l)-4(5.45 Tm[(Mt)3(T-5(arMt)3(T-5(arM 152.84352.04.68 Tm[9(h)-2(hETBT/T1_3oe f)-8(n t)3(h)-2(e l)-4(Tf10 0-2(g-4n)8((t)3(i6o)3(t ane)k):)]TJETwTf10 0 0 10 hETBT2t)10(o)-1(n)3 1 Tf10 0 1 ))-3(d)-4(o)-8(o 5 Tm[(Mt)3(T-5(arMt)3(T-5(arM 152.8432(g29, m)2(u)-5(f)-35((t o)-5(n5(l-2(e l)-4(e)-5(f)-33(t s)2(iw)-2. -2(37(al )]TJE p)-11(o)-5(r)-29(t (y m)5r(e)-4(n)-2(g10 0 0 19f t(i)-1(n)-2(3(.)]TJETBT/T1_3Tf10 0-2(g-4n)85 Tm[(Mt)3(T-5(arMt)3(T-5(arM 152.84344.54)1(s)]TJET-4(o)-8(o )4(apt (y m)5rBT/T1_3 p-33(t s)(i-1(n p)-11oe f)-8( c)4(h)2(af10 0 0 (6R2/T1_0 1 Tf12 (u)-1(r)- c)4(h)2(a-4(o)-498.0 10 68.4 40g)3(swTf10 0 0 10 h-1(n t)3(h)-214(n)8(5-80 85 Tm[(Mt)3(T-5(arMt)3(T-5(arM 152.84332.7(c)-22(t 2214.n)-20 qTf10 t s)2(i)(eai)-p)i6o)3(t ane)0 0 0 1ETy)40)-5)-8(o c)4(h)2(af10 0 0 (6R2/T1_0 1 ETBT/T1_3h)-2(e )]TTJET0 68.4 419.36 Tm[(L)4(o)-8(c)-5(a)6(t)9(e t)3(h)318.88.68 Tm[(1(0 10 68.4 1(e)-ETBT/T1_3)-498.b.4 4)-3(d)-3(e o)-2(f toe f)-8(n t)3(h)-2(e l)-4()2(ur)4(-2)4(e)5(fo)-5(e o)-2(f )-5(r)BT/T18(r)4((al )]TJE p-23(-2(e )]T-2(36 Tm[(L)4(o)-8(c)-5(a)6(t)9(e t)3(h)307.1(, m)2(u)8(o )3(l)-4(y r 0 10 6(n t)3(h)-2(e l)-4g10 0 01 Tf10(l f)-28(l)-4Se )]TTJEe1F1n)6t)9(o)86-4(r)-)59(1)482.6 Tm[(L)4(o)-85f t)3(h)-2(e e)-4(5(s ET00.92(v)10(F1n)6t)94 a)41 Tf4(t s)()86-441-)53(1)m[(T)61(o c)12(o)-5(mp)-7(l)-4(e)-2(gi)-1(n(133.27 Tm[( U)10(s)-4(e c)-5(ar)5h)-2(e o)-3((233.27 Tm[( U)10(s)-4(e c)-5(ar)5h)-1 521.68 (333.27 Tm[( U)10(s)-4(e c)-5(ar)5h)352.04.68 (433.27 Tm[( U)10(s)-4(e c)-5(ar)5h)318.88.68 (533.27 Tm[( U)10(s)-4(e c)-5(ar)32)-4t)35.5)-4(r)A1(ne)-4(n)):)]TJ)3(s & o)-2(f toe f)-8(-9(e)T/T1_JETB l)-4g10 0(o)-2(f )-ETn t)3(h)-2(e l)-4g10 0 01 Tf18(l)-5(l)4(h)-2(hETBT/T1_3(i)-1(n)-2(3(.)]TJ)m[(T)61(o c)12(o)-5(mp)-7(l)-432)-4t)73.25, m)2(u)-5(f)-35((t o)-5(n5(l-2(e l)-4()2(ur)4(-2)4(e)5(vb(ai)-1(t ane)k 0 0 01 Tf, uJET-4(o)-o)-5(ETBT/T1_3)-498.b.4 4)ane)8(r)110.51(e)kTTJET-4(o)-8(o )m[(T)61(o c)12(o)-5(mp)-7(l)-432)-4t)6-2(il)1)-2(g)-31)-1(t anl)-4(5.4 -2(i)-2(30-)ET(eai)-p)(e o)-2(f t(i)-1(n)-2(3(.)]TJETBT/T1_3oe o)-5(n5(l-2(e l)-4()2(ur)4(-2)4(e)5(v)1n)6(sk):)]TJE(i)-1p )m[(T)61(o c)12(o)-5(mp)-7(l)-432)-4t)50.25, m)2()-2(e)i)-1b-33(t s)(i10(o)JETBT/T1_3 1 (i)-1(n8n)):)]TJ)3(Tf10 0 01 Tf10(t)1(r)4(o)- t)3(h)-2(e l)-4(e)-5(f)-33(t s)2(iw)-2. )m[(T)61(o c)12(o)-5(mp)-7(l)-432)-4t)36.34)-4(r)-2(i)-2(0()-2(g)-31)-1(t anl)-4 )10(e)-4(n)(t o)-5(TJETB8)):)]TJ)3(T4l)-5 moy a(ne)-ETB8(.34 t BT/T1_3 1 Tf10 0 0 10 68.4 4swTf10 0 0 10 h68.4 404(w )m[(T)61(o c)12(o)-5(mp)-7(l)-432)-4tc(t o)-5()T/T10 10 686 45-80 1ht an_0 1 T: