1. Check all nuts, bolts fasteners for tightness. Retighten as necessary.
2.Clean anydirtfromtherecoil starterand footpedestal. Wipe the entire unit clean before operating.
3.Replace any missing or damaged Safety Operation decals.
4.Adjustheightofhandle.Adjusthandlebylooseningnutsand moving handle to suit operation. Retighten nuts.
Initial Start-up
When starting the MTX70 Tamping Rammer perform the following:
1.Slide the throttle lever from the stop to the idle position () (Figure 5).Thisopensthefuelcockandtheengineelectrical circuit is turned on automatically.

Figure 5-A. Throttle Lever (Idle {Position)
2.Units with Carburetor Primer System: Push the primer pump bulb four (4) times to deliver fuel to the carburetor (Figure
DO NOT press the primer pump bulb more than four (4) times, as this will cause fuel to flood the carburetor.
3.Place the choke lever to the closed position. When the weather is cold, close the choke all the way.When it is hot, or if the engine is hot, open the choke a little or leave it fully open.
Figure 6. Choke Lever
4.Grip the starter rope handle (Figure 7 handle and pull it until you feel a slight resistance. Then pull sharply and quickly. Return the handle to the starter case before releasing.
Figure 7. Recoil Starter
5.Ifenginefailstostart,movethechokelever(Figure 6) tothe half open position to avoid flooding.
6.Repeat steps 1 thru 5.
7.If the engine does not start after repeated attempts, check the spark plug for excess fuel. Clean and replace the spark plug as needed.
Figure 5-B. Primer Pump
MTX70 — OPERATION AND PARTS MANUAL — REV. #12 (02/22/12) — PAGE 15