11-2 report & LIsts
Table of the lists and journal
The following table lists the report and lists that your machine can print out.
Name Description Refer
Function List Lists the functions available on your machine and the key-
strokes needed to complete them.
To print this list, press <Menu>, <5>, <1>, <0>, <1>, <Enter>.
Machine Settings List Lists the current machine settings.
To print this list, press <Menu>, <5>, <1>, <0>, <2>, <Enter>.
Fax Settings List Lists the current fax settings.
To print this list, press <Menu>, <5>, <1>, <0>, <3>, <Enter>.
Copy Settings List Lists the current copy settings.
To print this list, press <Menu>, <5>, <1>, <0>, <4>, <Enter>.
Activity Journal Prints recent fax transactions performed by your machine.
To print the activity journal, press <Menu>, <5>, <1>, <0>,
<5>, <Enter>. You can also set the machine to print activity
journal automatically every 100 fax transactions.
Commands List Lists the following items:
• The command number
• The number or name of the destination
• The start time (dd,hh:mm format)
• A note — telling if the command is a polling or F-Code
To print this list, press <Menu>, <5>, <1>, <0>, <6>, <Enter>.
One-Touch List Lists each one-touch key’s number, name and fax/phone num-
ber you have stored.
To print this list, press <Menu>, <5>, <1>, <0>, <7>, <Enter>.
Speed-Dial List Lists each number’s three-digit identifier, name and fax/
phone number you have stored.
To print this list, press <Menu>, <5>, <1>, <0>, <8>, <Enter>.
Group List Lists one-touch speed-dial numbers you have stored into
group numbers.
To print this list, press <Menu>, <5>, <1>, <0>, <9>, <Enter>,
then select the group number and press <Enter>.
Block Junk Dial List Lists blocked phone numbers.
To print this list, press <Menu>, <5>, <1>, <1>, <0>, <Enter>.
Cover Page Prints a sample cover page.
To print this list, press <Menu>, <5>, <1>, <1>, <1>, <Enter>.
Department List Lists total communication time, printed pages of fax recep-
tion, print charge of fax reception, total copy page, copy
charge and the sum of copy charge and print charge of fax
reception for each department code.
To print this list, press <Menu>, <5>, <1>, <1>, <2>, <Enter>.