
If you used the PAUSE feature during continuous log- ging, the time shown for each data point will be incorrect for all data points after the pause feature was used.

d)The fourth line shows the Run Ref. Number that was entered by the user at the beginning of the survey, the Record number and total number of records in the file and the Date and Start Time when the first data point was taken.

2.The lower section of the window shows the measured data in both tabular and graphical form.

a)The table on the left side of the screen displays up to eighteen (18) data points at one time. The Data Point

# number will be a continuous sequence shown sequentially in the time the data points were taken. The Field Strength is shown in the unit-of-measure used during the survey. Mode 2 data (a series of spatially averaged data points) shows both the Average and Max. (or peak) value for every data point. Mode 3 data (continuous logging mode) shows the Time that each data point was taken

b)The bar graph on the right side of the screen shows the same data listed in the table. The title of the bar graph is Logged Data for Mode 1 data, Spatial Average & Max. for Mode 2 data, and Continuous Log for Mode 3 data.

c)The range of the vertical axis of the graph is automatically adjusted to accommodate the data. The number of data points will also vary depending on the data with a maximum of thirty (30) displayed at one time.

d)The Scroll Back and Scroll Forward buttons are used when there are more than sixteen data points to view. Each time you click on one of these buttons you advance or go back by sixteen data points.

e)The New Record and Old Record buttons allow you to go back and forth between different records within the same file. Each survey is a different record identified by the Run Ref. Number that was entered by the user at the beginning of the survey.


Operating the Meter