Appendix A Errors and Warnings
LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual A-14
National Instruments Corporation
Error at or near
character NUMBER in the
format string: STRING.
Run-time Error Error exists in the format string at index
is 1-based.
Error in Elf Library
encountered while
reading external module:
Object Load
Error Object module is corrupted or is of a type
that LabWindows/CVI cannot load.
Error: compiling FILE
for DLL exports. DLL Import
Creation Error
When creating a DLL using the Include File
method for specifying exported symbols,
an error occurred while compiling the
include file.
Error: Incompatible type
for function or variable
NAME in header FILE used
to specify exports.
DLL Link Error When creating a DLL using the Include File
method for specifying exported symbols, the
type of the symbol in the include file did not
match the type in the source file.
Expecting an enumerator
identifier. Compile
Error Compiler expects an enumeration constant
identifier after the opening {in an enum type
Expecting an identifier. Compile
Error Compiler expects an identifier in the current
syntactic context. Check the syntax of the
declaration, statement, or preprocessor
Expecting integer
constant, push, or pop. Compile
Error pack pragma requires at least one parameter.
Extra default label. Compile
Error default label has already appeared for this
switch statement. Eliminate the extraneous
default label.
Extraneous 0-width bit
field TYPE NAME ignored. Compile
Warni ng Named bit field has no width and therefore
has no storage allocated to it.
Table A-1. Error Messages (Continued)
Error Message Type E rro r Comment : Page 14 Monday, March 9, 1998 3:23 PM