Chapter 2 Function Reference — Config_DAQ_Eve nt_Message
National Instruments Corporation 2-77 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
DAQEvent=3 through 8—These DAQEvents are for interrupt-driven data acquisition only.
See Set_DAQ_Device_Info for switching between interrupt-driven and DMA-driven data
If you are using a DIO 6533 device in pattern match trigger mode, you cannot select
DAQEvent 7 or 8. Refer to the DIG_Trigger_Config function for an explanation of the
pattern match trigger mode.
If you are using a Lab or 1200 Series device in pretrigger mode, NI-DAQ does not send any
messages you configure for the end of the acquisition. These devices do not generate an
interrupt at the end of the acquisition when in pretrigger mode.
DAQEvent=9—NI-DAQ sends a message when a transition (low to high or high to low)
appears on a counter output or external timing signal I/O pin. Table2-17 shows the possible
counters and external timing signals that are valid for each supported device.
If you are using one of the counters on the PC-TIO-10 for your timing signal, you must
connect the counter output to the EXTIRQ pin either externally through the I/O connector or
with the two jumpers on the device. The jumpers connect the OUT2 and OUT7 pins with the
EXTIRQ1 and EXTIRQ2 pins, respectively. NI-DAQ returns an error if you specify a counter
that is in use. Use EXT1 for the chanStr parameter regardless of which EXTIRQ pin you are
8Send a message when data from
any digital port in chanStr
causes this statement to be true:
data AND DAQTrigVal0
EQUAL DAQTrigVal1. Only
the lower word is relevant
Lab and 1200 Series devices (except
an SCXI-1200 with Remote SCXI)
DIO 6533 devices <DIO>
PC-DIO-24/PnP, DAQCard-DIO-24,
PC-DIO-96/PnP, PCI-DIO-96,
DAQPad-6507/6508 <DIO>
AT-MIO-16D, AT-MIO-16DE-10
pulse event 9Send a message each time a
pulse occurs in a timing signal.
You can configure only one
such event message at a time on
a device, except on the
PC-TIO-10, which can have
Am9513-based MIO devices <TIO>
Table 2-17. DAQEvent Messages (Continued)
Type Code Description
of Message Usable Devices
<Usable Operation Families>