Chapter 2 Function Reference — Config_DAQ_Eve nt_Message
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-78
National Instruments Corporation
using. The PC-TIO-10 can have two of these event messages configured at the same time,
therefore you must specify which pin you want to use on the PC-TIO-10 with the
DAQTrigVal0 parameter.
To us e DAQEvent = 9, you must configure the device for interrupt-driven waveform
generation. This DAQEvent works by using the waveform generation timing system. Thus,
you cannot use waveform generation or single point analog output with delayed update mod e
and this DAQEvent at the same time on the same device. Also, DAQEvent= 9 is not valid
for the ESeries devices.
trigSkipCount is the number of valid triggers NI-DAQ ignores. It can be any value greater
than or equal to zero. For example, if trigSkipCount is 3, NI-DAQ notifies you when the
fourth trigger occurs.
preTrigScans is the number of scans of data NI-DAQ collects before looking for the very first
trigger. Setting preTrigScans to 0 causes NI-DAQ to look for the first trigger as soon as the
DAQ process begins.
postTrigScans is the number of scans of data NI-DAQ collects after the triggers before
notifying you. Setting postTrigScans to 0 causes event notification to happen as soon as the
trigger occurs.
Refer to the following table for further details on usable parameters for each DAQEvent type.
Table 2-18. Valid Counters and External Timing Signals for DAQEve nt = 9
Data Acquisition Device I/O Pin I/O Pin State Change
AT-MIO-16 OUT2 low to high
AT-MIO-16D OUT2 low to high
AT-MIO-16F-5 OUT1, OUT2, OUT5, or
EXTDACUPDATE* high to low
AT-MIO-16X OUT1, OUT2, OUT5, or
EXTTMRTRIG* high to low
AT-MIO-64F-5 OUT1, OUT2, OUT5, or
EXTTMRTRIG* high to low
PC-TIO-10 EXTIRQ1 or EXTIRQ2 high to low