Chapter 2 Lookout Basics
Lookout Operator’s Manual 2-6
a pop-up state or minimized. When a pop-up control panel is displayed,
itremains on top of all other panels until you minimize it.
Control panels do not have a standard appearance. Some control panels
may only display information, while others combine control and display
information. The information displayed always represents the most current
values available to Lookout through its communications with your I/O
Control panels are windows into your process you use to control eq uipment
by flipping switches, pressing buttons, and turning knobs. Individual
controls, aswell as entire control panels may have a security level assigned
to them. If your security level is below that needed to operate a control or a
panel, you will not be able to make changes to that control or in that panel.
If you have permission to access the object, the mouse cursor changes into
a hand when positioned over the object and the you can adjust and control
the object.
If your security level is lower than that of the object, or if you do not have
permission to work in that process, the cursor changes into the symbol for
forbidden, and you cannot control the object.
Lookout can place copies of a control on many different control panels. For
example, when you turn a knob in one location, all copies of that knob turn
at the same time, in each place that control is used. The same control object
may appear differently in each location. A potentiometer may appear as a
horizontal slide on one panel, a pair of increment/decrement buttons on
another panel, and a knob on yet another panel.
Control Is Accessible Control Access Is Denied