Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration
HSE Linking Device and NI-FBUS Software 2-2 ni.com
Figure 2-1. The NI-FBUS Interface Configuration Utility
Continue to the Installing the HSE Linking Device section to configure and
install your HSE linking device.
Installing the HSE Linking DeviceIf you are using a National Instruments FBUS-HSE/H1 Linking Device as
your HSE linking device, refer to the Installation Guide: FBUS-HSE/H1
LD Fieldbus Network Module Linking Device and the FBUS-HSE/H1
Linking Device (LD) User Manual for installation instructions.
If you are using an HSE linking device from a third-party vendor, refer to
the documentation provided by the vendor to install your HSE linking
Setting the NI-FBUS Software to Use Your HSE Linking DeviceAfter you have configured and installed your HSE linking device, you are
ready to set the NI-FBUS software.
To do this, you first must set the Ethernet interface. The Ethernet interface
is an HSE interface that accesses an HSE linking device or HSE field