Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration
HSE Linking Device and NI-FBUS Software 2-10
Your base directory will include a folder for each different manufacturer for
which you have imported a device description. Forexample, if you import
the device description for the National Instruments FP-3000 device, you
will find a folder called 4e4943. This is the National Instruments
Foundation Fieldbus device manufacturer ID number.
The next layer of folders is the device type. For example, the FP-3000 has
a device type ID number of 4005.
Underneath this layer of directories you will find the individual device
description files (.ffo and .sym).
8. If necessary, click Browse to select the standard text dictionary,
provided with NI-FBUS. The text dictionary has a .dct extension.
9. Click OK.
For more information on device descriptions, refer to the Device
Descriptions section of the Foundation Fieldbus Overview document.